Horizontal stretch packaging – Wood Packaging – a big success on Ligna
It was a pleasure for the team of Frank Bruhn ApS to present on Ligna how manufacturers can apply horizontal packaging in wood packaging for their long wood products such as doors, furniture and more of all sizes and shapes.

A special stretchfilm applied in the RoRo StretchPack machine can be stretched up to an incredible 70%. Typically this means that film savings between 10 and 50% can be achieved. This is a new innovative way of optimizing current automated packaging lines.
A lot of customer dialogs on Ligna were also centered around how to automatize a packaging line in the first place with this new innovative way of packaging. The feed-back during the exhibition on the typical ROI times experienced by our current customers, indicated the vast cost saving potential our future customers are expecting to realize when investing in the RoRo StretchPack solution.
We thank all of the visitors for their genuin interest in the new generation of horizontal packaging machine.
Your Frank Bruhn ApS
Sales Team
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