You can automate your packaging processes to improve packaging capacity and working environment while having cost reductions. Growth in your business requires that all parts of your production line are aligned and fully utilized.
A future-proof packaging line
RoRo StretchPack® enables automated packaging of a wide variety of products including long products up to 8 m+. This provides your business with two main benefits:
Firstly, you have the opportunity to increase your packaging capacity and to prepare it for future growth. Secondly, you remove labour-intensive and physically demanding work from your packaging line. It will improve the working environment for your employees and make your company a more attractive place to work.
For the sake of both the production capacity and the working environment, a RoRo StretchPack® can advantageously replace a conventional packaging solution.
Two examples:
- Avoid the low film capacity and frequent stops for film changing on a stretch wrapper
- Avoid the demanding work of maintaining a hot and potentially flammable heat shrink oven.

RoRo StretchPack® enables automated packaging of
a wide variety of products including long products up to 8 m+

UN Sustainable Development Goal 8
Automated packaging using RoRo StretchPack® supports targets within UN SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth with these benefits:
- Labour-intensive manual packaging can be automated
- Remove repetitive and physically hard work
- Increase packaging capacity and remove bottlenecks in the packaging line
- Eliminate the maintenance of a hot and potentially flammable heat shrink oven
- The RoRo Stretch Pack® technology will lower operation and maintenance costs